Inspired by the visual language of architecture, design and craft, I work as a printmaker from my studio in SE London. My work examines the tipping point between comprehension and misunderstanding, experimenting with the gap that exists between the two. I always start by documenting life to then reimagine it into something new. My current project reconfigures fragments from our daily lives to become something more precious and less real, encouraging the viewer to rethink what they are looking at.


Warbling Collective / London / February 2024

RE Printmakers / Bankside Gallery / November 2023

RWA 170 Summer Exhibition / September 2023

RA Summer Exhibition 2023 / July 2023

Bainbridge Open / ASC Gallery, Kennington, London / June 2023

Works on Paper / Green and Stone Gallery / Jan 2023

Oxmarket Contemporary / Dec 2022

ING Discerning Eye / Nov 2022

Woolwich Contemporary Print / Nov 2022, 2021 & 2020

Atelier Brighton / August 2022 / Cass Arts Prize 2022

ON-PAPER International Printmaking Award / Barcelona / June 2022

ARTHUB / April 2022

Barbican Arts Group Trust / Dec 2021

RE International Print / Bankside Galleries / November 2021

James Hockey Gallery, UCA / Out of Lockdown / 2020



Woolwich Contemporary Prize winner / ARTHUB residency / January – February 2022

Public Output

“A Makers guide to Storytelling” Research paper selected for the Illustration Research Symposium at Kingston University, February 2021. My presentation referenced my collaboration with the Crafts Study Centre, UCA, exploring the link between materials and meaning. I take my influences from the altered worlds of architects, designers and makers, my work is about ambiguity and the hierarchy between fact and fiction.

Please visit to see my latest work.